Nonprofit Fundraising Strategies: Tips for Running an Effective Campaign

Apr 23, 2021

Are you looking to raise more money for your nonprofit and bolster your fundraising strategies?

When you run a nonprofit, knowing how to get money from your supporters should consist of one of your chief goals. Many nonprofits become born out of care for certain needs in the world, yet they can’t exist without a solid marketing plan. You need effective fundraising strategies to get the money you need to continue your initiatives and keep your talent.

So, how do you go about getting the proper funding? We’ll go into nonprofit fundraising strategies below. Keep reading to bring in more money for your cause today!

1. Use a Professional Mass Email Service

You may have a great mission, but you won’t attract many donations if your emails don’t look professional. Even if you run a small nonprofit, professionalism inspires confidence in you and your organization.

In turn, this prompts less hesitation about giving. When people believe you operate in a professional manner, they may trust you with more of their funds.

But how do you ensure your emails maintain a professional appearance? Get a mass email service. These platforms allow you to store your contacts’ information and even provide templates you can edit with your own text. This gives your emails a professional look.

2. Use More Than One Platform

If you just advertise your cause via email, you likely aren’t getting the most money you can. Instead, you should seek to get funds from other platforms as well.

You should start out by having a donation page on your website. Make sure people can navigate to this page from any other page on your site. Your donors should have the ability to find it without much effort.

You can also put donation buttons on each of your blog posts or news updates. This encourages people to give to causes after reading about them.

Some people even advertise their causes on social media. To do this, create posts targeted to raising money for specific causes and include links to donate.

3. Create Nonprofit Fundraising Strategies

You shouldn’t create random fundraising opportunities. Instead, fundraising works best when it gets planned out in detail. As such, you should dedicate much of your marketing endeavors toward creating nonprofit fundraising strategies that work for you.

How do you customize your own strategies? A lot of it involves doing research on how well different types of strategies work with your donor base. Any time you try something new, make sure you look at how well people received your new endeavor by viewing your analytics. The best working attempts will result in more donations, shares, or donor interactions.

Then, once you have an idea of what works well, incorporate it into your fundraising strategy.

4. Plan Out Fundraising Campaigns

Fundraising campaigns should comprise a lot of your fundraising strategy.

But what is a fundraising campaign? Think of them as a multi-component attempt to raise money for a specific cause. Fundraising campaigns harness the power of sending email messages to highlight your mission and the initiatives you want your donor base to give to.

For these, you shouldn’t send out one message. Rather, plan out several that build upon each other and encourage your donors to give.

To get the best results, you should start out with a soft launch of your campaign. These launches target only your committed donors. Ask them for feedback on the campaign and pay attention to the issues they raise. Then, you should implement these changes to your campaign before you send it to the rest of your email list.

You should also create thank you notes to send out to people who donate!

5. Know About Prime Fundraising Seasons

Did you know you can maximize your profits by launching campaigns at certain times of the year?

In particular, people like to give before the end of the year because they can claim their donations on their tax forms. Giving Tuesday kicks off this season. It lands on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, when people follow Black Friday and Cyber Monday with an opportunity to give. You should always start your end-of-the-year campaign on Giving Tuesday.

Then, send messages throughout the month of December. Finish the campaign with a last chance message toward the end of the month, and then follow up with a thank you statement in January.

You can also run fundraising campaigns around holidays.

6. Use Specific Stories

People connect to stories. A well-told story pulls on the heartstrings of your audience and convinces them that they should spend their money giving to your cause.

The more specific the story, the better. Telling the story of one specific beneficiary of your services shows people the impact a donation to your organization can have. These stories also encourage people to put themselves in someone else’s shoes, encouraging empathy and furthering their dedication to your cause.

7. Get Reviewed by a Nonprofit Financial Organization

People want to make sure their money goes to the cause to which they intended to give. Most nonprofits manage their money well, but some don’t, and so it becomes important to have documentation to show how you spend your donations.

To do this, get reviewed by a nonprofit financial organization. These companies focus on reviewing the finances of nonprofit organizations and making this information public for any potential donors. Then, when potential donors contact you asking how you spend your donations, you can send them to the organization’s website so they can view the information for themselves.

This gives your donors confidence in your ability to handle money well and not use it for purposes other than your cause.

Need Nonprofit Financial Services?

Nonprofit fundraising strategies become the crux of many nonprofit organizations. They enable them to raise money for the different initiatives they run and help them keep their lights on.

But you shouldn’t just fundraise and not manage your money. If you need financial assistance for your nonprofit, we offer a full team of accountants who can help you manage the funds you receive. Request a meeting today!


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